Adventures in Crunchy Christian Parenting

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Spring is here...kind of.

Ok, well maybe not. But it was here for a few days at least and we took full advantage of it at the Leggett household.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Good Times with Salmonella

Does everyone remember a month or two back when Presley and I had a mystery stomach bug? No? Well, let me recap. A month or so ago Presley had a 2 day streak of projectile vomiting in which she couldn't keep anything down...not even breast milk. Prior to that I had suffered from a similar, yet less severe bug. We just assumed that I had caught something and passed it on to Presley. No biggie.

A few weeks later when I'm still being plagued by random bouts of nausea I go through a few boxes of pregnancy tests...ya know...just to be sure. All negative (Thank you God!). Then I realize that Caedmon had been sleeping a lot and complaining of stomach cramps here and there. Then, Presley started randomly puking again for no apparent reason. I assumed we had another minor bug. No biggie.

Fast forward to today. I hear of the recall of a batch of Peter Pan peanut butter do to a salmonella contamination. I decided to check the pantry just to be on the safe side and sure enough, we've got 2 jars from the contaminated lot. Not only do we have 2 jars but one of the jars is basically empty...only about a spoonful left in it. The other jar was about 2/3 full.

Well, that explains it.

Check your peanut butter peeps. Any jar of Peter Pan or Great Value that has the number 2111 on the lid needs to be tossed.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Hooked on Phonics Worked for Me!

I decided to sit Caedmon down with our new Hooked on Phonics program yesterday. I assumed that we'd make it through the first lesson and he would walk away with a firm grasp on a few vowel/consonant combos.

Fast forward 1 hour and we've powered through 3 lessons, Caedmon is reading 50+ words and he's begging me to let him move on to lesson #4!!

I'd like to say that I can be credited for any of this but really I just sat in the chair next to him and fed Presley.

Either my kid is a genius or Hooked on Phonics is one heck of a program!!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Caedmon Goes Punk

It's a good thing we homeschool because word on the street is that they don't allow mohawks in public school.